In a World of Lies!!!


In February 2002, the news of a new PENTAGON office, entitled, “OFFICE OF STRATEGIC INFLUENCE”, was in the headlines. When I read and listened to the reports of this new developing office, my question was, “Why don’t they just call it what it is – the “OFFICE OF STRATEGIC LYING”???????

Whether they disseminate lies themselves or pay others to spread lies, the truth remains – the public is still left with LIES! But who wants to live their life by LIES?? Who wants to fight a WAR based upon LIES??? I am certain that I am not the only one in this world that wants to live my life and base my life on what is TRUE!

But the history books are full of what the Pentagon has coined, “STRATEGIC INFLUENCE“!

We are taught so much misinformation – what some call a “bias by omission“, which is strategically omitting truth to create a biased opinion.

One need not go back too far to uncover example after example of this kind of “strategic lying” and “bias by omission“.

Let’s take the example of Mr. Christopher Columbus, the one who we are told in history books, “discovered America”. But, the question has been asked many times, “How can you DISCOVER and CLAIM a land already inhabited by others?”

One of the truths, that WE ARE NOT TOLD in the school classrooms is that when Christopher Columbus, met these peoples, he referred to them as “PEOPLE OF GOD” or “IN DIOS”. These FIRST NATIONS people were called “Indios”, and then the “s” was eventually dropped and they were called “Indio”. However, we are taught the theory that Christopher Columbus thought he had arrived in India and to hide these true facts about the beauty, love and kindness of these FIRST NATIONS people, they had to use “STRATEGIC LYING”, for what did they see around the neck of one of the natives – GOLD!

GREED immediately took over, which led to LIES, MURDER, RAPE, and THIEVERY for centuries, and is still perpetuated today! πŸ™

This 16th Century canvas painting by Mexican artist Lienzo de Tlazcala depicts the destruction of the Aztec Empire in Mexico by another GREEDY, Spanish, murdering conquistador – Hernan Cortes, who used LIES to DIVIDE and CONQUER the people!

Did these “PEOPLE OF GOD” deserve such treatment? NO!!!!!!!!


Yes, Christopher Columbus was a RAPIST, MURDERER and THIEF, and yet there is a day every year where he is honored!!!! Is he worthy of such honor??? A white supremacist or KKK member would likely say an emphatic, “YES!”, but it is likely that they are only responding by what they have been taught.


If you are taught that another race is inferior, and taught that your own race is superior, then you will operate according to your belief system. So, if our beliefs about ourselves and our world are based on LIES, then we are only left with WRONG BELIEFS and WRONG BEHAVIOR!

One does not need to look far to see that EVIL has been winning out over GOOD for centuries! How can we turn this around???

There is only ONE WAY to OVERCOME EVIL and that is WITH GOOD!!!! There is only ONE WAY to EXPOSE LIES and that is WITH TRUTH!!!!

An ancient legend told by First Nations people about the Creator and creation reveals some powerful truth:

“The Creator had called together the animals to ask them where he might put something very precious, “the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL”.

The fish responded:
“I will take it and swim to the depths of the sea and hide it there. Surely, man will never be able to go there.”
The CREATOR said, “No, he will surely find it there some day.”

Then the eagle came forward and said… 563450_10151439313341170_810423179_n “I will take it and fly to the moon. Surely man will never be able to go there.”

The CREATOR said, “No. Someday man will even go there.”

Then the mole came forward from earth and said…
“I know. Bury the knowledge of good and evil in man’s heart, for then only those who have the courage to look within themselves will find it.”
So it was agreed that the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL would be placed in the heart of every human being.”

There are those that say, “What you don’t know, won’t hurt you!”, and thus many would prefer to walk oblivious to the TRUTH of what is happening around them. For to face up to the evil in this world, one has to face up to the evil that dwells in their own soul – like revenge – the urge to strike out and repay evil with evil. Looking inward into your own soul is very difficult.

It seems to me, that the world and the world’s people, need to look inward into their own soul in order to respond in the right way from a foundation of TRUTH! If each of us does not have this foundation, it will lead to wrong beliefs and actions.

If you are still reading these words, you are likely a person who is ready to seek out the precious – “the knowledge of good and evil” – a.k.a. TRUTH! It is in your heart and it takes courage to look within.


I hope and pray that you will step on to this TRUTH seeking journey with me!! It will unlock so much that the CREATOR has stored up in your heart to find! πŸ˜€

Your friend in the TRUTH journey,

Dorothea (affectionately known as “Ditto”)

P.S. Check out my previous post, “Catalyst with a Cause” for more examples of “Strategic Lying”.
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